Archive for June 14, 2008

Mr Fix It

Posted in Uncategorized on June 14, 2008 by boozecoma

Why is the unemployment rate so high? The legal system is enticing workers to keep their crappy jobs. If you have a crappy job, you keep it long enough to be awarded a judgment in a lawsuit based on your endurance of harassment or unsafe working conditions. It’s my theory that the unemployment rate is effected by a group of about 70,000 service industry workers who move in and out of a pool of 78 actual jobs. They work at Home Depot for a day and when they decide it blows (right after filling out the paperwork), then quit to go work at Olive Garden for a full 6 hours, only to leave to work for an insurance company. What is happening now is, instead of quitting after only a day, these shrewd sycophants have spotted workers compensation GOLD, and decide to stay long enough to get a check for a XBox 360 and the curious ability to cry whenever they see a Mailman. This in effect sends the unemployment rate higher. There will be no workplace turnover until everyone gets a Cadillac to balance out what working a bad job already gives you: sleepless nights and a fear of paint.

Why do people put up with sub par treatment? It seems somewhere along the line, the point in your life when you would say the phrase “This is not for me”, has become the point in your life when you say “I am going to post this on youtube!”, exchanging your dignity for 350,000 hits from people waiting for you to hit yourself in the balls. Rich and famous has expanded to include the “Dumbass with a lot of money” category as long as your name is in the paper it’s “all good”. One note of advice: Save enough for bail….